As a new mum, one of your biggest concerns is probably whether or not your baby is getting enough milk. After all, breast milk or formula is the only source of nutrition for your baby in the early months. So how can you tell if your baby is getting enough to eat?
Here are some signs that your baby is getting enough milk:
Your baby is gaining weight steadily. Newborns typically lose weight in the first few days after birth, but they should start gaining weight steadily after that. Most babies gain about 5-8 ounces per week in the first few months.
Your baby is wet and dirty diapers. Breastfed babies typically have 5-8 wet diapers per day and 3-4 dirty diapers per day. Formula-fed babies typically have 6-8 wet diapers per day and 1-2 dirty diapers per day.
Your baby is content and satisfied after feedings. If your baby is fussy or seems hungry after a feeding, it's possible that they're not getting enough milk.
Your breasts feel softer after feedings. If your breasts are still full and hard after feedings, it's possible that your baby is not emptying them completely.
If you're concerned that your baby is not getting enough milk, there are a few things you can do:
Talk to your pediatrician. They can weigh your baby and assess their growth to see if they're on track. They can also help you troubleshoot any problems you may be having with breastfeeding or formula feeding.
Make sure your baby is latching on properly. A good latch is essential for efficient breastfeeding. If you're not sure if your baby is latching on properly, ask your pediatrician or a lactation consultant for help.
Feed your baby on demand. This means feeding them whenever they seem hungry, rather than on a set schedule.
Offer both breasts at each feeding. This will help to ensure that your baby is getting enough milk.
Supplement with formula if needed. If you're breastfeeding but your baby is not getting enough milk, you may need to supplement with formula. This is perfectly normal and will not harm your baby.
It's important to remember that every baby is different. Some babies need to eat more often than others. And some babies may have trouble gaining weight, even if they're getting enough milk. If you're concerned about your baby's weight or feeding habits, be sure to talk to your pediatrician.
Here are some additional tips for ensuring that your baby is getting enough milk:
Create a calm and relaxing environment for feedings. This will help your baby to relax and focus on eating.
Avoid distractions during feedings. Turn off the TV and phone, and put away any other distractions.
Be patient. It may take some time for your baby to finish a feeding.
Don't force your baby to eat. If they're not interested in eating, don't force them.